Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Fort Myers to Chicago

So, I would try and say more about the time we had with Brad and Kathleen, but when Kath has put together her own excellent description of the weekend, I'm almost tempted to just cut 'n' paste it and put my own comments in.

She is not joking about the room of wacko dreams, every morning I came out of there feeling a little shell-shocked, hair out in tufts, going 'what on earth was THAT?!?'. The annoying thing was that I kept getting woken up in the middle of these dreams and was completely forgetting them but for a few weird sensations of familiarity (they all must have had people I knew in them).

There was a really good dolphin moment for me, on the lack-of-sunset cruise. For the most part they'd been barely breaking the surface of the water, or jumping over the wakes of other peoples boats. The passengers were all pressing towards the bow trying to get a good shot and I was on the left (starboard?) side when all of a sudden a single dolphin came straight up out of the water right in front of me. Now that was cool.

We really had a lovely laid-back time, no rush to head off any place and we got the royal treatment, it was good to see Bradleen again!

Coming back though was quite the ordeal, the temperature dropped 60 degrees, literally. Its going to get worse this weekend I see. But who's going to worry about the weather when Liverpool will be thrashing Everton (Globe pub at 6:45am this Saturday, anyone?) and the Bears are going to intercept Manning so many times he'll throw up on his own center.

Speaking of which, I'm up late watching a typical ESPN show on the history of the Super Bowl. The one thing I've learned to respect about American football, I could drudgingly admit, is the ability for a quarterback (not all, mind you) to put the ball in a sprinting receivers' hands at 50+ yards. You can now get this amazing slow replay shot zoomed in on just the ball, hanging and spinning in the air for minutes before being caught. Its like watching Stephen Gerrard

So, tonight I also finished 'ripping' the latest, greatest British comedy. Its surreal, not necessarily laugh-out loud but definitely keeps a smile on my face. My brother, Dave, had the DVDs and we had a laugh together this Christmas. I managed to get some episodes onto my mac with the help of a nifty application that I think Brad would like: 'Handbrake'. It actually made me a little homesick watching it tonight, its just inherently English.

This Friday, I'd volunteered to show some people around at Northwestern. Its the time of the year again when prospective PhD students come and interview faculty and get interviewed. I went through the process myself three years ago now and nothing serves a more acute reminder of my arrival in this country almost 5.5 years ago than conversing with these young bright-eyed bushy-tailed to-be-grads, most of whom I'll never meet again. It makes me wonder about what would not have happened in my life, if I never made the move. Happily, what will be is a new family member!

1am, time to go and snore in Erika's ear. I'll leave you with a post from one of the blogs I have in my Reader.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sanibel Island

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside. Oh I do like to be beside the sea!
So after a morning of alligator, turtle and bird-watching at a nature preserve followed by Moe's Burritos. We're now chilling on the beach at Sanibel island. We've got a sunset cruise planned for later followed by a demolition of MSU by Ogden and OSU (which I secretly hope won't be the case) while playing the Game.

Florida Sun


A January breakfast in Fl

It's going to be 76 degrees today. Better put my shorts on!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Erika and Brad

We've arrived in Florida hanging with Brad (pictured) and Kathleen. Just about to go get some icecream!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Jennifer and Bella

Settlers Night

So Janna's sick, (get better soon Janna!) and I'm content to take pictures of our games of settlers in the dim lighting of the Parsons condo. Brian and Emily (in her new sweater vest) are contemplating their next step to island domination.

Entering the MoBlogosphere

So, following Kath's hint ( I checked out the new freedom you have with blogging. Not only can you email a blog, you can even send pictures from your phone directly into it. Be prepared for an inundation of two-bit knackered snaps of chicago.

For now, this is me in Daniel's office.

Tonight, the Parsons are hosting yet another Settlers night for our housegroup (& friends) and I intend to send so many pictures of Janna to my blog that some millionaire at Google will give her a call and pay her to stop being friends with me (as well as invite her on a date...)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Baby Seaver at 20 Weeks


If you were there, you could hear the baby faintly singing: '...alk on thr.....ind,.....on, w.....k on,'

We're back from dear old England, will blog all about the trip later on this weekend, right now we're trying to pack, fold and put away Chaos.
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