Sunday, July 29, 2007

Blueberries and Salmon

So we just got back from a lovely week in NW MI with the Badgeros, The Wedges (Erika's aunt and uncle), and Erika's grandparents:

There's a lot of pictures to look at, but I've got a select few here and will post more later:

We went blueberry picking

while Owen was napping

and this picture, for me, epitomizes American dining, a short stack of home-made fluffy blueberry pancakes with blueberry sauce. The juices literally squirted onto the plate...

Finally, Doug took Erika and I to do a spot of salmon fishing, here's the spoils, yum yum!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Two months...

Owen weighed in at a hefty 9 lbs 10oz on Tuesday, he also had his first vaccinations and took them with some fuss that was short-lived...

Here we have Owen with his great-great grandmother, 95 and still kicking...

All five generations for you to count and wonder about the water in Michigan...

Thursday, July 05, 2007


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So at 4:45 this morning Sam decided to turn Owen into a little piggy with flapping ears. This kid is going to grow up with a complex! Owen was not ready to sleep so dad decided to encourage his restlessness with some fun. He seems happy to entertain dad.