Saturday, October 14, 2006


Just finished reading Neuromancer for the umpteenth time in my life, I picked it up again because I was reading about Gibson earlier this week. Somehow my net browsing meant that I saw some reference to him somewhere in Wikipedia and I found myself reading his own page. Did you know that a paper was published in Nature that found more mistakes in the Britannica Encyclopedia than Wikipedia? Understandably, the paper is being contested by the former, should we have a 'Best thing to do with old and redundant encyclopedias' contest?

But I digress, I was excited to find that an actual documentary about Gibson and his views on life had been made, it went to the top of my netflix list soooo fast.


What's that?

*Sound of leaf hitting ground*

You haven't heard of William Gibson, Father of the cyberpunk genre, King of cyberspace and Visionary for virtual reality and the net?!?!? Man, forget the Wachowski brothers, he invented the Matrix 15 years before Keanue Reeves put those sunglasses on. Anyway, like I said, I just finished reading Neuromancer for the thousandth time. nuff said.

Got some left over pics from two different BBQs this august, check out Jenny's shirt:

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